Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well it is 3 months since my last update and the move is over though we remain largely unpacked. In the interim there was swift trip to the UK to attend to an enforcement order against our property. Our neighbours complained about the fence we erected to stop the place being repeatedly burgled. Thank goodness that others in the street have now taken up the cause and started to erect fences and walls more in keeping with the times. The houses were constructed in late 20's early 30's when gentler souls walked the earth and pillow hair remained firmly behind closed doors rather than being paraded in public with a pair of jeans barely covering the Great Rift Valley. Builders Bum was never pleasant when it was a rarity. Which Fashionista determined that it should be de rigeur on all kinds of people provided that their waists are sculpted by supersized happy meals and one trouser leg could accommodate the entire front row of the All Blacks?

Anyway, the posse is now ensconced in Qortoba and the male side of the equation are likely to be finding new homes very quickly indeed. We simply cannot keep this many canines no matter how cavernous the space.

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