Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well it is 3 months since my last update and the move is over though we remain largely unpacked. In the interim there was swift trip to the UK to attend to an enforcement order against our property. Our neighbours complained about the fence we erected to stop the place being repeatedly burgled. Thank goodness that others in the street have now taken up the cause and started to erect fences and walls more in keeping with the times. The houses were constructed in late 20's early 30's when gentler souls walked the earth and pillow hair remained firmly behind closed doors rather than being paraded in public with a pair of jeans barely covering the Great Rift Valley. Builders Bum was never pleasant when it was a rarity. Which Fashionista determined that it should be de rigeur on all kinds of people provided that their waists are sculpted by supersized happy meals and one trouser leg could accommodate the entire front row of the All Blacks?

Anyway, the posse is now ensconced in Qortoba and the male side of the equation are likely to be finding new homes very quickly indeed. We simply cannot keep this many canines no matter how cavernous the space.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Said goodbye to Whisper last night. Our little lady with the tiny voice has had a poorly performing immune system since birth and has been bravely battling a very severe mite contagion for months now. It finally got up into her eye socket and was driving her crazy and nothing we could do or the vet could prescribe seemed to ease her total discomfort so on his advice we put her to sleep. M is inconsolable.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So the house is now a warehouse full of boxes waiting for the move. A sly feral cat decided this would be an ideal time to drop her litter beneath the diwaniyah. Toots, Tiff and co have done their utty to alert us to their presence, but M has been disinclined to rid us of the creatures. That is until yesterday.
To stop the felines fritzing with the dog food and water M spread large amounts of Black pepper around the area and our stepped entrance. One of our Nepalese scoffsalot must have left the door ajar because a couple of hours later, M settled in to watch a soap and found herself sharing her intended relaxation with cat and kittens.
I told her to let Toots and Tiff out but she again refused, preferring instead a more humane approah; a beating with a beezleum broom. I am unsure whether said beating was adminstered to cats, Nepalese or a combination of both.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Because M loves the dogs to bitz we are moving to a much bigger house. This meant scouring the open air markets for suitable double sink vanitys to put in the house we have found. It was 54 Celsius yesterday fercrissakes! Today I am totally buggered. I just hope the little furballs appreciate our sacrifices.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yesterday I got fiendishly double teamed by Tia and Sugar.
Sugar threw herself into my lap demanding belly rubs while Tia leapt up onto my shoulder, where she handily fits, licked my ear a commenced to bark up a storm until I relented and allowed them both into the kitchen to vacuum the floor for microscopic specs of anything edible and much that may not be. When did they get to be so smart?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nancy spent a comfortable night and was moving visibly easier when I left the house this morning. She has been seriously bitten in both "arm pits" and on the face. Culprits have been duly reprimanded. It is all too easy to forget that Yorkies are terriers and thereby are prone to serious aggression that from time to time gets the better of them. The Yorkies tend to gang up on their non-yorkie housemates. I can live with the chatter but hostility will not be allowed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Todays Shaggy Blog

The Devine M called this a.m. to tell me that Tiff and MIC had decided to take lumps out of Nancy Reagan. Look me up on Facebook. Dogs for sale!